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About Us...

VocRehab is a Vocational Information and Software company started in 1993.  We specialize in easy to use Vocational Information Software programs and Internet based Vocational Information Systems.  VocRehab was started in Hawaii as a Vocational Rehabilitation Service Provider (TRJ).  We provided direct service to Vocational Rehabilitation clients, primarily Workers' Compensation referrals.  We immediately saw the need for a computerized Dictionary of Occupational Titles that was easy to use and inexpensive.  We were unable to locate such a product, so we created the ZoomDOT.  

Our developer had the unusual background combination of Rehabilitation Counselor and Computer Programmer and was able to produce exactly what we and our clients needed: an easy to use searchable DOT.  Upon completion of the ZoomDOT we realized we could go further and create a better Transferable Skills Analysis than anything that was available, AND a lot less expensive.  We created the ZoomTSA. Still we weren't satisfied.  We saw the value each program had to offer and decided to combine them into what we called: ZoomSuite.

After numerous requests to sell our software, we decided to make it available to the public and had been selling the ZoomDOT, ZoomTSA * and the ZoomSuite * since 1993.   We no longer practice direct service, but we continue to develop our software online in our  Internet Transferable Skills Analysis/WebTSA™.   Our goal is to create the absolute best Transferable Skills Analysis available anywhere at any price, and to offer the analysis at an affordable price, so everyone can use it with their clients.

Our customers include various professionals: State and Private Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, Case Managers, Veterans Administration, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Doctors, Lawyers, Psychologists, Chiropractors and Teachers in the U.S. and Canada.

We encourage customer feedback, positive or negative, and value our customers opinions.  Any information our customers provide to us is kept completely confidential.  We do not sell our customer lists or registration information to anyone for any purpose.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to use the e-mail links on our home page or write to us at the address below:

Thank you for stopping by.

You can send regular mail to:

PO Box 843
Sun City, CA 92586

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