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* Our TSA analyses are second to none.
* Your first TSA is FREE upon registration. *
* We have 3 analyses to choose from and more than 40 reports to pick from.
* Your registration information is never given away or sold (see privacy policy)
* You can re-do a TSA as often as you like at no additional charge.
(* Rehab, Human Resource, Career Counselor or other Career Professionals Only)
Free Transferable Skills Analysis Guides
(Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format)
The information below is provided to help you with
your Transferable Skills Analysis entries.
Simply click on the link to begin the download.
We hope you find it useful.
TSA Mini-Guide (168
k) Very small explanation of characteristics and codes
VocRehab TSA Guide (1.9
mb) More thorough explanation of characteristics and codes with examples
and pictures
DOT Numbers and Titles (391
k) All the DOT numbers with their titles.
Free Military Crosswalk Guides MOC <-> SOC
(Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format)
Air Force
Coast Guard
All Military